Earwax Removal Radlett

The benefits of microsuction ear wax remova l Ear wax removal by microsuction is the safest most effective method for the removal of ear wax from ear canals. Due to the nature of the suction, ear wax can be removed from the ear, irrespective of whether it is soft or hard. This differs from other methods such as syringing and water irrigation where the wax has to be treated beforehand with drops to encourage a softer consistency. A limitation of using operating microscopes (or loupes) to remove ear wax is the view provided is quite narrow. As a result, the position of the microscope, speculum inside the ear and the person’s head can require constant re-adjustment in order to refocus and visualise the ear wax. Despite this, microscopic and microsuction ear wax removal is regarded as being safe and well-tolerated. However, no treatment of ear wax is completely ‘risk-free’.  Microsuction is a safe wax-removal technique using specialised a high magnification binocular operating microscope allowing depth-perception and magnification to look directly into the ear canal. The clinician then uses a very fine sterile suction device at safe low pressure to remove the wax buildup. Ear wax removal

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